Linda Wallström, Chiara Veneroni, Emanuela Zannin, Raffaele L. Dellacà , Richard Sindelar
European Respiratory Journal 2020; DOI: 10.1183/13993003.01650-2019
Ventilatory settings are critical in mechanically ventilated extremely preterm newborn infants due to the risk of ventilation induced lung injury (VILI) and subsequent development of bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) [1]. The positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) settings usually rely on blood gases, oxygen requirement, lung auscultation, evaluation of chest radiograph, and assessment of pressure-volume curves provided by the ventilators. Studies of optimal PEEP settings in the surfactant treated preterm infant in need of mechanical ventilation are limited and evidence based clinical guidelines are sparse [2, 3].
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Conflict of interest: Dr. Wallström has nothing to disclose.
Conflict of interest: Dr. Veneroni reports and My institution (Politecnico di Milano University) received research grants from Chiesi Farmaceutici
Conflict of interest: Dr. Zannin has nothing to disclose.
Conflict of interest: Dr. Dellaca’ reports grants from Acutronic, outside the submitted work; In addition, Dr. Dellaca’ has a patent on the detection of EFL by FOT with royalties paid to Philips Respironics and Restech srl, a patent on monitoring lung volume recruitment by FOT with royalties paid to Vyaire, and a patent on early detection of exacerbations by home monitoring of FOT with royalties paid to Restech.
Conflict of interest: Dr. Sindelar has nothing to disclose.